> Matthew Francis () {
📪 this.email: mattfrancis888@gmail.com,
☎️this.phone: 289-772-7465,
🏦 this.location: Oakville, ON


Multi-Docker - Docker, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, TravisCI, React, PostgreSQL, Express, React-Testing-Library, Jest, JS, HTML, CSS.

A single-page app that shows the categories available (stored in PostgreSQL) from a previous project, Kijiji. Built to understand Docker, AWS infrastructure (eg: EC2, S3, RDS, VPS, Security Groups, etc), the deployment process to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and CI/CD flow.

Kijijji - Boyce Codd Normal Form database on PostgreSQL, React, Redux, Express, Typescript, React-Testing-Library, Jest, JS, HTML, CSS.

Replication of Kijiji website. Database is created in BCNF (Boyce Codd Normal Form; database diagram is shown in README). Authentication is done via cookies that stores access tokens and refresh tokens (JWTs); users can create, edit, delete a listing, and see all listings by other users. Data is stored on PostgreSQL.

Authentication Project - MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Typescript, React, Redux, React-Testing-Library, HTML, CSS, JS

When users are logged in, they can listen to Peter Quil's 'walkman' songs (From Guardians of The Galaxy). Built to understand authentication. User email and password are stored in MongoDB. Used JWT and localstorage as authentication method.

Dreamworks - PostgreSQL, Express, Typescript, React, Redux, React-Testing-Library, Jest, HTML, CSS, JS

Shows movies from Dreamworks. Movies are stored in PostgreSQL. Built to understand SQL queries, and the process of integrating PostgreSQL and the front-end.

Spotify - MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Typescript, React, Redux, React-Testing-Library, Jest, HTML, CSS, JS

Shows artists from Spotify. Artists' information is stored on MongoDB. Built to understand the process of integrating MongoDB and the front-end.

Apple's App Store Review - Jest, React-Testing-Library, Enzyme, Typescript, React, Redux, Express, HTML, CSS, JS

Replicated Apple's App Store Review. Reviews are stored in an online JSON database. Built to understand unit testing, integration testing, and blackbox functional testing.

Pixar - Typescript, React, Redux, Express, HTML, CSS, JS

Replicated Pixar site. Films are stored in an online JSON database. Film images are stored in Cloudinary. Built to understand the benefits and drawbacks of Typescript in the React and Redux environment.

Linkedin - GraphQL, Apollo (v2.6), React, Express, HTML, CSS, JS

Linkedin-like site where users can see other user's profiles and see what companies they work for. The user can also create their profile. Built to understand how GraphQL is more suitable than RESTful Routing when data is strongly related to each other.

Music Videos Stream - Redux, React, Express HTML, CSS, JS

Holds collection of Youtube Music Videos. Users can create, edit, delete music videos when logged in; users can see other published videos when not signed in. This is achieved by having a JSON database and communicating with REST. Created App to further understand how Redux facilitate state management; and to learn the benefits of Redux-Thunk, Redux-Form, React Hooks, and React Portals.

The Movie Database - HTML, CSS, JS, Webpack

Replicated TMDB's site. Used their API to display the movies. Created it to familiarize with building a site without any libraries/framework; familiarize with webpack; how preprocessors can optimize websites; how to optimize websites outside of code(such as image compression); familiarize with MVC design pattern.

Urban Outfitters - React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Replicated Urban Outfitters's site. Created it to familiarize with React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

Giphy - React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Replicated Giphy's site. Used their API to display gifs. Created it to familiarize with API calls

Airbnb Android App - Java, Express, MySQL

Replicated Airbnb's site. Created Android App with Java. Built API to store and retrieve data from app with Node.JS and Express. Used MySQL as database.